Storm Preparation
In Alabama, we can experience a variety of weather catastrophes: ice storms, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, tropical storms, floods, etc. All of these can cause extended power outages. When outages do occur, SMEC responds immediately and works as quickly as possible to restore service.
Before an outage occurs prepare your home and family. Having a plan and emergency supplies on hand can help you and your family better weather the storm.
Prepare a Disaster Supply Kit
A disaster supply kit can be useful if you become confined to your home, are without power for an extended time or must evacuate as a result of severe weather. Keep the kit updated and readily accessible for safety, comfort, and convenience. This is especially important if you have a baby, small children or pets in the home. All household members should know where the supply kit is located.
Replace food, water, medical supplies and batteries as needed. Pack the essential items in an easy to carry container. The following information offers a general supply list and tips.