Welcome to the Engineering/Operations portion of the co-op website.
It is the intent of this section to familiarize members with co-op policies and procedures, as well as serve as a resource for questions regarding electrical service. The following information includes typical examples and charges to serve as guidelines (but not limited to).
It is recommended that all members contact the engineering department before construction begins for a new electrical service or an existing service upgrade.
The first step to establishing a new service with Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative (SMEC) is to come into the Rainsville office to apply for membership, which is $25.00 and pay a meter deposit that will be determined by our consumer accounts department. The membership and deposit must be paid prior to setting up a meeting with a field engineer. For those who already have a membership, a meter deposit is required for each meter that SMEC sets.
If there has never been electricity at the location where service is needed, please provide the meter number or map number of the closest neighbor to the location.
The maximum overhead service is 100 feet. If service is more than 100 feet, please make an appointment with a SMEC field engineer to determine if a pole must be set.